PR opportunities at ATM Dubai

Arabian Travel Market

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On the Saturday before ATM you can drop off your media packs to the international media centre located in Hall 5. The media will use your media packs to write their stories over the following days. We recommend that you leave at least 25 media packs in English and Arabic to maximise your chance of securing some media coverage.

If you have a major announcement or launch during the event a press conference is the ideal platform for you. We can provide you the room with AV set-up, furniture and catering for up to 130 media personnel. There are 2 press conference rooms next to the media centre. The press conference rooms will be available for one hour including brand set up and dismantling. For more information about press conferences including pricing, or any other PR related enquiries please contact our PR agency, Shamal Marketing Communications. You can find their details on the Media centre page for the website.

Finally don’t forget to connect with us on social media using our hashtag #ATMDubai so we can help share your latest news, competitions or stand activities.

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