ITB Berlin Travel & Tourism Declaration


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Travel Industry Leaders call for political action!

Never before have political decisions impacted travel as seriously as during the coronavirus pandemic. Thus, we have asked travel industry executives from across the globe what measures they would put in place if they were to swap their industry hat for a policy maker's hat - for one single day.

In sum, the participating travel industry CEOs clearly demand an expansion of vaccination and testing capacity to re-open safe travel in these times of the pandemic, and call for political support to improve sustainability, equitable opportunities and digital services.
Their statements provide guidance and motivation for what needs to be undertaken to get the travel and tourism industry back on its feet.

After all, Tourism & Travel is one of the leading drivers of job creation across the world. The industry stimulates economic growth and plays an important role when it comes to corporate social responsibility by securing diversity, human rights, international understanding, interaction and exchange.

Our common goal? Let's stand united and work together across industries to address the crisis and the future of our planet and industry!

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